The Engineer
by alexburlton
Mission Image/Text

Find an archenior who can read Karbonite glyphs in this universe.
Mission Clear Text
Karbonis' guidance system is now yours! Your radar's range has been permanently improved!
How to unlock mission: Gather all 12 Karbonite Tablets (aka complete the Karbonis' Memory mission)
How to complete mission: Land at [70][151]. (Nalikors' surface)
Reward: A permanent boost to your radar strength.
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If you land at [70][151] before completing this mission, the alien will introduce itself and its dilemma.

After you land he will explain what the tablets were and give you the upgrade.

Comments (3)
Kinam said
at 12:51 pm on Oct 24, 2008
the text from the alien on the planet surface speaks too quick and you can't scroll back so I didn't get to catch the entire thing...
alexburlton said
at 8:20 pm on Oct 24, 2008
ill get the text when i get there, d/w ;)
ZeekLTK said
at 12:26 am on Oct 2, 2010
I remembered reading this (that you didn't catch the speech) so I had taken a picture of it when I got it. But then I lost (and then forgotten about) the file somewhere on my computer. Today, I found it! So I uploaded it.
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