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Spignysos (Planet)

Page history last edited by LayzAyzn 14 years, 10 months ago

Planet Spignysos   

By Lavos


Spignysos is a planet northwest of the origin point. It is an icy planet of moderate size. Because of the horribly cold temperatures on this planet, the envelope's speed is slowed to a crawl; this can be partly remedied by using the Zonkerian Medallion. In addition, Spignysos is infested with Flash and Repeller Molecules, so one may find it wise to bring long a pair of Sunglasses. Gameplay in Spignysos is generally difficult, so if you wish to explore the planet, you best come prepared.


The gravity on Spignysos is quite strong and as such if you attempt a landing there with only the first surface engine you might find yourself tight-pressed for fuel (an example shown in the video!). The surface yields moderate amounts of minerals with no squares being particularly richer than others. The surface also holds 2 PID pieces and several transport missions.


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In-game description

Spignysos' surface temperature never exceeds -50C. Icy winds on the surface alter any envelope's orientation matrix and make space mining more difficult. We call this phenomenon "Spignysian Stasis".



The center of Spignysos is located at [-35][-10] to [-36][-11]. The planet has a diameter of 10 sectors, and is comprised of 88 levels.

A full exploration map of the planet can be found at Moneymaker1's MineMap: Spignysos map




The following missions either take place on Spignysos or require a visit:



FURI Supporters

The following table lists the details of any FURI Supporters that can be found on Spignysos.


Coordinates Reward for FURI/Interstellar Fugitives
[-37][-15] 7 Solid Hydrogen Capsules 
[-36][-13] 24 Minerals 


PID Pieces

The following pieces of the PID Map can be found on Spignysos: 

D5 @ [-34][-10] for 3232 minerals

E5 @ [-41][-13] for 2425 minerals



Transport Missions

Details of Transport Missions that begin on Spignysos can be found below:


Alien's Coordinates

Minerals SHC Distance
[-37][-14] Lycans 684   54 sectors
[-35][-12] Samosa 6705 45 faction split, 536 sectors
[-34][-11] [119][39] 0 0 203 sectors



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