Radar (Item)

The Radar

by alexburlton



Your radar is the item that allows you to 'see' squares that you haven't actually explored yet. Whilst it is your generator that controls how far you can move, you cannot move into unseen territory and so the generator and the radar combined determine how far you can travel in the universe. Your radar does not affect your travel when you are in explored territory, but when venturing out to unseen places, the more your radar is upgraded, the farther you can traverse.



At the beginning of the game, you have a basic radar, or Radar L0, which is not shown in your profile at all. This radar can be upgraded a total of three times by the following methods:


The Ambro-X

Collected on Moltear through the hidden mission: "Ambro-X"


The Karbonite Tablets

There are 12 of these, and they are collected from asteroids.

(See: "Karbonis' Memory")



Once you reach Terre and land there, you have the opportunity to return to the origin with an extra boost to your generator and radar. This provides what is likely your third and final radar boost.



At certain spaces in AlphaBounce, you will play what seems like a regular level. However, after you complete it, you will be sent a message that your radar has been damaged and that you should fix it. These spaces are not marked, nor do they give you any warning until you have completed them and the damage to your radar has already been done. There is also no reminder that your current radar is broken, so do not forget to repair it before you venture far into unexplored areas.


If your radar becomes damaged, your radar's level will drop by 1 and your ability to travel in unexplored areas will be decreased. Anti-radar asteroids can horribly delay your progression, and thus, it would be recommended to plan your route via any of the AlphaBounce Maps to avoid such spaces. In order to repair your radar, you must go to any merchant and have the merchant repair your radar for you for a small fee (about 40 Minerals).

See also: Asteroid Field (Mission)


Anti-radar field bug/exploit

This only works if you haven't got any radar upgrades. Go into an anti-radar square that damages your radar. You can then go and "repair" your radar at a store and it provides a permanent boost to radar strength.