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Saved by LayzAyzn
on November 30, 2009 at 5:30:08 am


by MrNoHelp


The upgrades

There are currently 13 confirmed collectable items and upgrades that a prisoner can attain during his/her travel through the galaxy. Some of these items are collected for fulfilling missions, others can be bought from merchants. Some of these upgrades are specific to ESCorp or FURI, and as such there is no known way to attain all 13 of these upgrades.


The miscellaneous items and upgrades 

Note that there are two missing upgrades in the 5x3 grid. These upgrades have not been discovered yet and the circumstances for acquiring these two last upgrades remains, for now, a mystery.


Purchaseable items

These items can only be acquired by purchasing them at various Merchants.



Ki-Wi Antenna


Mission-related items and upgrades

These items can be only acquired by fulfilling missions:


The Zonkerian Medallion


Antimatter Nuclei



The Spacesuit


"Fusion" - a combination of two rock samples from Lycans and Spignysos


The Genemill 



Exclusive items/upgrades

These items/upgrades can only be attained after you permanently join an organization.



Lithium Retrofuser

Syntrogenic Accelerator

FORA 7R-Z Mines

Saumir's Twinner

Pink Crystals




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