Free a prisoner (Mission)

Free a Prisoner

by Lavos


Free a Prisoner is a Mission repeatedly given to members of FURI. It is essentially the equivalent of an ESCorp Zone Cleanup mission. They simply involve clearing the sector the mission tells you to. The sector chosen is randomly generated and differs among explorers. Also, the more prisoners you free, the more spread out they become.



Mission Image/Text

The FURI will give you 75 Minerals if you free the prisoner at [coordinates]. 


Mission Clear Text

Congratulations, the prisoner chose to join our organisation, 75 Minerals were sent to your envelope.



How to unlock mission: Join the FURI.

How to complete mission: Clear the level at the coordinates given.

Reward: You will receive 75 Minerals, and will be assigned another mission of this type, at a different location. 



The generation of the location of a prisoner does not take into account whether it would overlap with a previous one, or if that sector has already been completed. In the event that you have already completed the specified sector, you will be required to play that sector once more to free the prisoner.


For FURI members, the number of prisoners freed is what is used to determine your Rank.