
Fora 7R-Z Mine (Item)

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Saved by LayzAyzn
on November 21, 2009 at 6:52:45 pm

The FORA 7R-Z Mines

By Snakeman


The FORA 7R-Z mines is one of the few items that are only available to you if you stay with ESCorp. There are four total that you can find and purchase. The mines are placed on a random brick at the start of a level, and have a similar effect to explosive bricks. A mine can destroy up to 9 blocks--the one that it is on and the blocks surrounding it.



A player whose YouTube name is LuckyNinja has posted a video of a mine in action:

YouTube plugin error


Extra Information

The first mine is obtained through completing the ESCorp-exclusive mission "Cilorile's Guards", which is unlocked by clearing 58 Zone Cleanup missions. Once you obtain the first mine, you may then collect the other three by purchasing them from Merchants.

The mines appear randomly at the start of every level, and are not depleted similarly to missiles (i.e. they are replaced at the end of each level).

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