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Dead links

Page history last edited by LayzAyzn 14 years, 10 months ago

Dead links 

by alexburlton


Found any dead links in this wiki? They can be reported here. Dead links arise because of one of these two reasons:


  • The link was made in the knowledge that the page would be made sometime in the future (and the page still doesn't exist yet)
  • The page name has been changed to conform to the pattern and therefore the link no longer works.


We'd appreciate everyone's help with this, any dead links you find please either let us know by commenting here or, better still, sort out the link yourself. :)

Comments (2)

Ashvio said

at 1:12 am on May 28, 2009

The "Mineral Rich Co-ordinates" link on the side bar leads you to nowhere...

Steror said

at 9:37 pm on Jul 4, 2012

In the page "Alphabounce Maps" the ABMap no longer leads you to the map but something that you need to register and I'm not sure if it works, hard to explain, check it out.

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