
Bad Luck (Mission)

Page history last edited by LayzAyzn 15 years ago

Bad Luck

By Mithy


This hidden mission appears when you run out of all of your daily liquid hydrogen capsules and you have died on all three levels that you have attemped. Then, you'll get a message telling you that the ESCorp sends you another  out of sympathy for your bad luck. Note: This mission can only be triggered once per day, so if you die with the capsule you received from this mission, you will NOT receive another one.


Mission Image/Text

Today is not your lucky day... the ESCorp offers you an extra hydrogen capsule to overcome the curse.



How to complete mission: Die 3 times in one day (or 4 if you are FURI and have the Syntrogenic Accelerator), using up all of your s.

Reward: An extra !



If you have any , this mission will still activate. Also, you are awarded the extra capsule even if you are not an ESCorp member.

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